Outdoor Rugs

Our high-quality, washable, and comfortable rugs meant to decorate any outdoor space, patio, or deck don’t break the bank but instead contribute to adding more sophistication and style. Shop from our on-sale outdoor rug collection and enjoy a lot of savings all year long. Enjoy great deals without applying any extra coupons!

Sisal, Jute and a Wide Range of Outdoor Rugs – Shop Online at Rugshop


With simple decor elements, you can transform a rather uneventful and barren corner of your house into the most attractive space, making it special and so much more welcoming. It rings true for outdoor spaces more than anything.


The best way to dress up a porch, backyard, veranda, terrace or conservatory is by placing the most complimenting outdoor rug, creating an anchored space.


Discover the wide range of exterior carpets and outdoor rugs for sale in Ireland, now available at Rughshop, that we have sourced directly from manufacturers and brought to you at the best prices.


What Are Outdoor Rugs?


The main concept of outdoor rugs is about creating a living space in an outdoor area, ideally with a clean and cosy platform for setting seating arrangements. These rugs typically need to be more weather-resistant and be able to withstand exposure to all kinds of environmental impact, be it sunshine or rain. You can’t expect to pull up the carpet every time it rains.


The top materials for weather-resistant, waterproof outdoor rugs are jute, sisal and polyester. At Rughsshop, you can find a wide variety of thematic, stylish and highly durable exterior carpets that evince a lot of inspiration to transform your outdoor space into a peaceful haven.


Types of Outdoor Rugs Available at Rugshop


The different types of outdoor rugs are mainly addressed by their materials, such as jute, sisal or grass. At Rughshop, we have come closer to rug manufacturers and discovered

how there is more to it. Several other features and criteria influence the quality and functionality of outdoor rugs, including non-slip baking, mould and mildew resistance, UV protection, fade resistance and being lightweight or heavyweight. All these little elements make them special.



  • Jute Rugs: The most common type of outdoor rugs in Ireland, these have a tropical charm and create the most authentic shabby chic ambience. Jute is the quintessential specimen of eco-friendly outdoor rugs. You can find a wide range of jute garden rugs at Rugshop to inspire your awe. And don’t think that jute always means the plain golden brown shade; you can explore a wide range of colours, shades and textures in our jute outdoor rug collections.


  • Sisal Rugs: A close counterpart of natural outdoor rugs other than jute is sisal, which is derived from the leaves of the sisal plant to create a tough, natural fibre for crafting woven outdoor carpets. You can find a blend of jute and sisal garden carpets in the Rughshop catalogue, available in a wide range of eclectic designs.


  • Nylon Outdoor Rugs: Coming down to the top choices for synthetic outdoor carpets, these are the most withstanding and cost-effective options in outdoor carpets that can withstand heavy traffic. Nylon is very easy to maintain, especially if you have large outdoor rugs, and they are resistant to stains and spillages.


  • Traditional Outdoor Rugs: Traditional outdoor rugs typically refer to rugs that feature classic designs, patterns, and motifs inspired by traditional styles from various cultures around the world. We have a good collection of Aztec outdoor rugs, oriental outdoor rugs and timeless concepts that suit your traditional tastes.


  • Bordered Outdoor Rugs: Top-stitched and guard-bordered are highly functional for outdoor rugs in preventing fraying and also creating a cohesive, framed pattern for the living area.


  • Patterned Outdoor Rugs: Geometric, abstract, tribal motifs or stripes—if you are sure about using patterned rugs for your outdoor space, we are sure you will find a match at our store.


Create Stunning Outdoor Spaces with Rugshop


Find exterior carpets that will add a touch of sophistication and charm to your outdoor spaces, and make them an extended living space out of the four walls. At Rughshop, we have catalogued our outdoor rugs for sale in Ireland through a lot of product research and selection processes. We bring you these rugs directly from manufacturers, curtailing the cost—something that’s quite hard to find elsewhere. Enjoy shopping at Rugshop!



1. How do I choose the right size outdoor rug for my space?


You can connect with us and ask for expert advice on picking the right size. You may also refer to our online size guide page to get a general overview of the ideal sizes.


2. How long does an outdoor rug normally last compared to the longevity of indoor rugs?


While a casual nylon outdoor rug can look brand new for up to 3 years or more, more high-quality jute and sisal outdoor rugs can last up to 10 years since they have a shabby, distressed look that adds to their aesthetic features. In the end, it wholly depends on the outdoor conditions, foot traffic and overall use of the carpet. You can get more durable carpets with solid backing and guard borders to extend their lifespan.


3. Are outdoor rugs worth it?


Yes, please! The whole purpose of laying an outdoor carpet is to spruce up your outdoor space and make it more livable. If you believe that spending money on an outdoor carpet just to leave it outside to gather dust is not worth it, you have to experience the difference that hundreds of our customers are already experiencing. The choice is yours.