Persian & Oriental Rugs

Certain handtufted rugs reflect differing cultures and ideas from around the world, but these works of art in Persian-Oriental style are a meeting point for all due to their indisputable glory and charming history. Over the centuries, they have become treasured heirlooms, passed on from one generation to the next. Earlier hand-woven, now machine-made, these timeless classics are unique to other rugs in terms of design pattern, artistry weaving, and vibrant dyes. Shop today!

Buy Authentic Oriental Rugs Online in Ireland


Oriental rugs are icons of heritage and luxury. You can now buy oriental rugs online at competitive prices at Rugshop. This is possible as we source the finest quality rugs from all across the world directly from the factories. By eliminating the middleman, we can offer you heavy discounts all throughout the year — even for the hand-woven oriental floor rugs! While our online store offers a wide range of wool oriental rugs and Persian rugs of different colours, sizes, and styles, we understand that custom-made rugs are the ideal solution for your space. Every home, office, and living space has a unique interior, and our bespoke rug helps to tailor the design and dimensions and cater to your specific detailing, needs, and requirements.

Authentic Oriental Rugs For Sale In Ireland: Check Out Our Stunning Collection

When transforming interiors, nothing can beat the luxury and comfort of Oriental rugs. At Rugshop, you will find an exclusive range of small oriental rugs and larger masterpieces that have the aesthetic power to upgrade your space. Buy oriental rugs online, as they are your design anchors and complement a wide array of interior design styles, from traditional and transitional to bohemian and eclectic—the possibilities are limitless. Here are some of the most well-known oriental floor rugs:

Persian Rugs: Highly popular for their intrinsic floral patterns, diverse designs and bold geometric patterns. These rugs are a huge favourite.

Turkish Rugs: These premium-quality silk rugs have intrinsic designs. They are generally handmade geometric pieces with central medallion drawings.

Indian Rugs: Bold colours and beautiful floral and geometric designs make these vibrant rugs a must-have for their traditional appeal and sophisticated essence.


These are just a few examples. Under the umbrella of Oriental rugs, you can find many more choices, like Afghan rugs, Tibetan rugs, Moroccan rugs, Chinese rugs, and so on. Moreover, within every category, there are several variations in colour, size, and design. Oriental rugs come in diverse styles, each masterpiece originating from different regions of the Orient and reflecting the artistic and cultural traditions of that particular region.

Rugshop’s Distinct Rug Collection

At Rugshop, we source the rugs from different corners of the world, curating a diverse range of oriental floor rugs that cater to varied preferences. We take immense pride in showcasing the finest collections and helping you find the perfect rug that matches your vision and aligns with the interior design.

Ready for a new rug to brighten up the look and feel of your space? We are here to help.

Size: When selecting the size of the Persian rug, consider the furniture size and the space you want to create.

Patterns: A patterned oriental rug can add a pop of colour in a room with solid-coloured walls. On the other hand, a busy room with a mix of patterns and prints will need a solid oriental rug as a balancing factor.

Colour: Consider the visual effect you want to achieve. A muted-coloured wool oriental rug will provide a minimalistic feel and match the white walls, while a bolder hue can stand out.

Lifestyle: Low-pile, lightweight rugs are easier to clean and less susceptible to dirt. Opt for Persian stain-resistant and non-slip rugs to prevent slipping and enhance the durability of the material.

Get The Finest Oriental And Persian Rugs At Rugshop

Persian rugs are extremely popular and are a type of oriental rug. These rugs can be hand-made or machine-made. However, a genuine Oriental Persian rug must be hand-knotted. At Rugshop, we provide the most exquisite range of Persian and Oriental rugs at nominal prices. By eliminating the middleman, Rugshop offers rugs at a competitive price. Moreover, you can now get discount coupons, gift cards, promo codes, and daily deals — ALL THROUGHOUT THE YEAR!


Frequently Asked Questions

(1) What type of rug is best for my space?
Wool oriental rugs are most durable and popular as well. You can also choose rugs manufactured from long-lasting materials like jute, nylon, seagrass, and propylene.

(2) Where should I position my rug?
You can place your rug in your kitchen, living room, dining area, and even the hallway. It makes the space look cleaner and enhances its aesthetics.

(3) Is buying a rug important?
Persian rugs not only provide a decorative touch to your space, but they also keep the room cleaner. Rugs catch the dirt and debris before they can get into the floor. Not to mention, rugs add warmth, absorb sound, anchor furniture, and create balance in the room.